512 LiveDesign Reaffirm Their Commitment to Wysiwyg
CAST Software April 23, 2024

512 LiveDesign, a prominent lighting design studio specializing in live events, dance, theatre, and live performances, proudly announces its continued dedication to using WYSIWYG in their creative process. Led by Rui Daniel and Marco Dias, the company has been at the forefront of innovative lighting design for the past decade in Portugal and abroad, consistently relying on WYSIWYG as an indispensable tool in their projects.


WYSIWYG is an all-in-one lighting design software with fully integrated CAD, plots, data, visualization and virtual show control. This technology has significantly streamlined the workflow at 512 LiveDesign, empowering their team to deliver stunning and immersive lighting experiences to audiences worldwide.


Rui Daniel, Founder and Lead Designer at 512 Live Design, emphasized the pivotal role WYSIWYG has played in their success over the years. “For the past decade, WYSIWYG has been an integral part of our design process. Its intuitive interface and powerful capabilities have enabled us to bring our creative visions to life with unparalleled precision and efficiency,” said Daniel. “Whether it’s designing for large-scale concerts, intricate theatrical productions, or dynamic dance performances, WYSIWYG consistently delivers exceptional results, ensuring that our clients’ expectations are not only met but exceeded.”


512 LiveDesign’s reaffirmed commitment to WYSIWYG underscores their dedication to innovation and excellence in lighting design. By leveraging cutting-edge technology like WYSIWYG, the studio continues to push the boundaries of creativity while delivering unforgettable experiences for audiences across various entertainment sectors.

About CAST Group of Companies Inc.

CAST Group, based in Toronto and with a legacy of 29 years in business, is a trailblazer in the

lighting design and events & entertainment production sectors. Our groundbreaking tools, from the revered Wysiwyg 3D lighting previsualization software and Vivien Event Designer suite to the innovative BlackTrax real-time 6D tracking system, have shaped iconic global events’ design and technical efficiency. Our impact is evident in mega-events like the Olympics, Super Bowl, Eurovision, and concerts of renowned artists like Drake, Carrie Underwood and Muse, just to name but a few. With a dedicated global network and a commitment to quality, CAST continues to revolutionize the entertainment technical production landscape.



