The entertainment industry is continuously evolving, and professionals must stay ahead of the game if they want to remain competitive. That’s exactly what John Orduña and Lighting Stage Co. in Colombia are doing. We were able to catch up with John to ask him a few questions about his experience using BlackTrax for some recent concerts his production company was hired to do.
John learned about BlackTrax about six years ago in 2017 when the LD and wysiwyg trainer Jose Rojo “coino” taught wysiwyg in Colombia and he was the one who first started talking about BlackTrax and its capabilities. After going to multiple trade shows around the world, John realized that BlackTrax was everywhere and decided it was a piece of gear he wanted to include in his company’s toolbox.
What made Lighting Stage Co. think of using BlackTrax for Carlos Vives?
“We have been showing Colombian and Latin American illuminators how to incorporate BlackTrax in their shows for several years. This time, William Gallo, LD from Carlos Vives Live decided to use BlackTrax for the first time for follow-spot lighting, color washes, and being able to create several lighting cues. Secondly, William Gallo created solo cues for the musicians when they were moving around the stage. BlackTrax helped to solve these very common problems in the show.” – John Orduña, Lighting Stage Co.
John shares how BlackTrax is revolutionizing the live performance scene in Colombia and how it has helped Lighting Stage Co. generate extraordinary experiences through interactive media tracking, enabling automated follow spots as well as tracking for creative lighting, immersive sound, and robotic cameras, all perfectly synchronized for a unique experience every time. Productions and artists are benefiting from perfect automated follow-spot lighting, without the extra cost and time spent on follow-spot equipment and setup, and programmers gain access to powerful tools at their fingertips, they not only uses tracking to enhance talent freedom on stage, they can also automate changes in cues and effects that reacts and trigger based on the tracked performer’s position on stage.
And with BlackTrax being so new in Colombia, we had to ask, how has the support been from the BlackTrax Team at CAST?
“The team support has been very good, so good in fact that we have learned to use BlackTrax online. The system came to us at the beginning of the pandemic, and since then we have taken some online training and learned to use it, we have spoken regularly with Diego Varela, Product Specialist at the head office for BlackTrax, and planning to do in-person training in Colombia.” – John Orduña, Lighting Stage Co.
Has BlackTrax been used for other shows in Colombia?
Yes. Lighting Stage Co. has worked with other top artists in Colombia such as Juanes (stadium show), Yuri Buenaventura (theater show), and Morat (stadium show), and continues to offer it to all production requests that come to them to create magic and an unbeatable audience experience as well as shows that artists enjoy being part of.
More about Lighting Stage Co. and John Orduña
Instagram: @Johnlighting @andreso1213, @jhon_orduna, @lightingstageco
LinkedIn: Lighting Stage, John Orduña