- LED Tape and Rope only appears in Shaded Views; it does not render. The same applies to tube- and strip-type fixtures based on the visualization engine introduced for them in R49.
- Smoke generated by Smoke Machines cannot interact with light cast by LED Tape and LED Rope objects. We are working towards making this possible in a future update.
- Some legacy files may result in a crash when WYSIWYG R49 attempts to open them. On occasion, this may be due to objects on which Boolean operations have been performed. If you know that the file contains such objects, you may open it in R48 or earlier, Mesh-Consolidate those objects, save (with a different filename), and then attempt to open the file in R49 once more. Should opening continue to fail, please send both files (along with a description of the problem) to Tech Support for further assistance.
- Placing fixtures onto a Curved Pipe during a Relocate or Clone operation may have undesired results or may not work at all. When the target hang structure for a Relocate or Clone operation is a Curved Pipe, the resulting fixtures may be placed in reverse order from the originals; when this happens, right-click before placing the fixtures and select the Reverse Direction option, or simply hold down SHIFT to place them as intended. On rare occasions, when the target hang structure is a Curved Pipe that has been rotated so it is no longer parallel to the XY plane (“the ground”), it may be impossible to place Relocated or Cloned fixtures onto it; should this happen, cancel Relocate/Clone, Reset the target Pipe’s rotation (EDIT menu), Relocate/Clone as needed, and then rotate the Curved Pipe back to its intended orientation.
- When objects are spaced very far apart within CAD or SketchUp file, importing that file may result in a seemingly-empty .wyg file. To prevent this, open the original file (using a CAD app or SketchUp) and move objects closer (and/or delete unwanted objects that are far from others).
- Relocate/Clone and Focus Lines/Focus Arcs. Unless all fixtures hanging from the same hang structure that are focused to the same Focus Line or Focus Arc are Cloned, the resulting fixtures will retain their Pan and Tilt angles, but NOT their association (link) with that Focus Line/Arc; this is by design. Also as designed, if only a subset of fixtures (hanging from the same hang structure) that are focused to the same Focus Line/Arc are Relocated, the link to that Focus Line/Arc will be broken for all fixtures (original and resulting), but their Pan and Tilt angles will remain the same.
- Users running WYSIWYG on computers with integrated video cards have reported quality and performance related issues in the WYSIWYG Shaded View. This problem is related to very limited hardware support for features required by WYSIWYG’s Shaded View. Please ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your computer. If issues are still experienced in Shaded View, please turn off any unnecessary visualization features, as per the advice offered in the following article: http://cast-soft.com/wysiwyg/improving-performance-in-shaded-view/.
Note: Although WYSIWYG will run on a computer with an integrated graphics card, this is not recommended, especially for pre-visualization or pre-cueing. Please use a computer with a dedicated/discreet video card instead; please see the ‘Further Advice’ section of the page above for information about appropriate computer hardware.
- The glow feature for LED Wall and Screens will always display a white glow when running on systems using integrated graphics. Integrated graphics cards do not support Enhanced Visualization or Deferred Shading. As a result, although the glow is visible, the color of the glow remains white.
- If a change is made to the video resolution while a CITP source is playing, it can take up to 10 seconds before the video is displayed without artifacts at the new resolution. During this time, some artifacts are visible in the video displayed. It is advised that you set the video resolution at the beginning of your design work, and not change during your presentations.
- It is not possible to perform a second Merge operation on a merged item that has been mirrored. After mirroring an object that was originally created through a Merge operation, you cannot reliably perform another merge procedure on this object.
Workaround: Merge all objects before mirroring them.
- When rendered (via the Render Wizard) Single-Sided Surfaces that have Light Emission enabled, as well as Screen objects, “glow” on both sides. When you assign light emission to a single-sided surface, and then render it with Radiosity turned on, the surface appears to glow on both sides.
Workaround: When using a light-emitting surface, create a second surface (with no light emission) of the same size and place it just behind the light-emitting surface, 1 or 2 millimeters away. This will mask the second light-emitting side in your rendering.
- For fixtures with multiple circuit types you cannot manually select which type to display in DATA mode. Regardless of the number of circuit types associated with a particular fixture and the Regional Settings that you choose for your file, there is no way to select which circuit type to show in DATA mode; instead, the program will always show the first circuit type listed.
- Saving a WYSIWYG file directly to a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device or any other external drive/location, including USB sticks and even USB-connected drives, the file may become corrupted.
Workaround: Open files only once they are stored on a local/internal drive, and only save them onto the same drive. If you prefer to store files in external locations, copy/move them to your local drive before you start working on them; once you are finished working on them and you’ve saved them, move them back to their original location.
- Transparent surfaces that touch non-transparent objects are not transparent in the rendered image.
Workaround: When placing the transparent surface or object in your drawing, ensure that a minuscule space exists between it and any non-transparent objects in your drawing (this space can be as small as you like). For example, if you are placing a transparent surface on a floor, nudge the surface just above the floor. When you render the image, the surface will be invisible.
- WYSIWYG does not detect the appropriate color frame size for some fixtures that have interchangeable lenses, such as the Strand SL. In some cases, therefore, it allows you to use the incorrect size of color frame for the current lens. For example, a Strand SL fixture with a 26° lens uses a 6.25-inch color frame, but WYSIWYG also allows you to use both a 12-inch and a 14-inch frame (the frames used by 10° and 5° lenses respectively).
Workaround: To avoid this issue, ensure that you know the appropriate color frame for each lens that you are using. Select a color frame from the accessories tab of the library browser and insert it into the fixture(s). Then open the properties of the color frame and select a color to apply to the accessory.
- Deleted Presentation items are still available in Layouts. Removing a new plot, image, report, worksheet, key, legend, or spreadsheet from its respective shortcut bar using Undo does not remove it from the list of items available for insertion in Layouts. Such items are named “new view” in their respective list and can be added to the layout but may cause WYSIWYG to crash.
- ‘Windows’ created with the Boolean > Subtract tool disappear when the file is re-opened. If ‘windows’ are cut out from a ‘wall’ surface when both the wall surface and the surfaces used as cutouts were created by extruding lines, after saving and closing the file, re-opening it causes the windows to be filled in again in Shaded View. In Wireframe views, the cutouts are still there.
Workaround: Draw the ‘wall’ using a Surface or Rectangular Surface, and use a Risers for the cutout.
- Bring to Front and Send to Back commands in CAD Wireframe and in Layouts cannot be undone. The Undo command will undo the action previous to any Bring to Front/Send to Back commands. Reversing the operation must be done manually and it may take several steps to return objects to their original draw order.
- Performing 15-20 Boolean operations in a File may lead to a crash on the next Boolean operation. There is a limit due to geometric complexity, but it varies depending on the file and objects and is unpredictable. If performing repeated Boolean operations on the same objects, it is recommended that you save and back up your work often – perhaps even after every successfully complete operation.
- When undoing and redoing move commands involving objects attached to an axis or frame or a grouped axis or frame, the objects may end up positioned incorrectly.
- In Layouts and New Plots, the measurement unit type shown in the Status Bar does not always match the unit type used in the Layout or New Plot.
- Changing WYSIWYG’s (exe‘s) task priority from Task Manager does not always result in that priority being retained.
- Undo/Redo is not supported for Camera Path nodes set to User Defined.
- Multi-part Automated fixtures which feature color mixing on more than one part (e.g. the Showgun’s beam and its ring) cannot display the color wheel preview information on the Color Design Tool.
- Custom Library Items that are no longer part of the application library and which no longer appear in the WYSIWYG file, cannot be deleted from a file’s private library. A WYSIWYG file which contains custom library items that are not listed in the Application’s Library Browser (accessed from the Welcome Screen) and which were deleted from the file, cannot be deleted from the file’s library (the Delete option is disabled when you right-click on such a custom library object within the file’s Library Browser).
Workaround: Purge the file.
- The Symbol Alignment option in Show Options inverts Fixture Lens Number in the Fixture’s symbol when displayed in Wireframe views.
- Linear Scale objects do not export in 3D DWG/DXF exported files. Although Linear Scale objects will export to a 2D DWG/DXF exported file, they cannot export to a 3D DWG/DXF exported file.
Workaround: Export Linear Scales to a 2D DWG/DXF file by making them the only objects visible in WYSIWYG’s CAD Wireframe. Export the .wyg file to a 3D DWG/DXF as needed. Open both files in AutoCAD (or another DWG/DXF app). In the 2D file, group the line objects that make up the Linear Scale, copy this Group and paste it into the 3D file.
- WYSIWYG cannot print to a PDF file if the file’s name or path which contains Unicode characters that do not exist in the current system language code page. For example, if your system is using English (United States), you cannot specify a path with Chinese characters.
Workaround: Name the file using only characters in your system language when printing from WYSIWYG, then rename the file afterwards using Windows File Explorer. Alternatively, set the Windows OS language to a language which uses the characters used in the file name or path.
- WYSIWYG cannot export the Shaded View to a JPEG image if the file’s name or path contains Unicode characters that do not exist in the current system language code page.
Workaround: One workaround is to save the JPEG in a different image format, (e.g. BMP, PNG, etc.), and it will save successfully. Alternatively, save the JPEG image file with a name and path only containing viable Unicode characters from WYSIWYG, and then rename the file afterwards from Windows.
- When running WYSIWYG in the Parallels virtual machine environment, enabling the “Soft Shadow” option in the Shaded Views may crash WYSIWYG.
Workaround: Parallels cannot be used for visualization due to inadequate OpenGL support.
- When exporting the Shaded View using “Export to Image”, video card settings are not ignored in the exported image.
Workaround: This does not happen if the Shaded View is saved to the Images tab first, and then exported from the Images tab. Another option is to use the PrintScreen feature to capture a screenshot and then paste the image into an Image Editing application.
- For imported hatch patterns with dots, printing may not provide the expected results. When printing a hatched object that uses a hatch pattern with dots, the dots may appear very small and faint or may not appear at all. WYSIWYG has several hatch patterns with simulated dots that use short line segments instead. This is only a problem if a pattern file is imported.
- Object order is not respected in New Plots as it is in CAD Wireframe Views. The Send to Back / Bring to Front functions to offer the user a way to define object draw order, are not respected in New Plots. As a result, the plot will be displayed differently between the CAD Wireframe representation and New Plots representation.
- When a dialog is opened, only the window’s border may be displayed, and not its content.
Workaround: use the ESC key to close the dialog, then reopening the same dialog.
- When switching between tabs or between Visual Themes, WYSIWYG mouse clicks may affect the window behind WYSIWYG. During these slower operations, WYSIWYG may become temporarily inactive.
Workaround: Avoid clicking the mouse until the switch is complete and WYSIWYG will stay in the foreground.
- Due to differences in how applications work with text, some issues exist with exporting text labels to DWG. Exporting text labels with multi-line text will result in a text object with one line of text in the DWG/DXF file. Text label borders and background fill are not exported. The Align to View property is ignored. Text will appear slightly larger and may be in a slightly different position from how it appears in WYSIWYG.
- Depending on DPI settings, Layouts may not display or print certain objects at the specified scale. Worksheet, Report, Key and Legend objects may be smaller in the Layout due to system DPI settings above 100%.
Workaround: Avoid setting DPI above 100%.
- Accessories’ Attribute Layouts cannot be changed in CAD Mode. It is not possible to modify the Attributes Layout for Electronic Accessories via the Edit Fixture Attribute Layout window in CAD mode.
Workaround: Use New Plots to modify these, by simply clicking-and-dragging them.
- Measuring truss with Linear Dimensions may show incorrect measurements for a truss’ length, width, or height. WYSIWYG truss models exist as lines, not as “’tubes’ or ’pipes’”; they are not drawn with thickness – this is only displayed in Wireframes and Shaded Views. As a result, measurements of the truss’ length, width or height obtained by snapping Linear Dimensions to end points, may be incorrect, since snapping cannot consider the displayed thickness (only the truss model itself).
Workaround: Open the Truss Manager and specify the correct measurements in the Auto Dim X/Y/Z columns, for the Truss objects used in your file, then use Auto Truss Dimension and select the Use Truss Manager Values option to display truss objects’ dimensions.
- Sometimes when the Truss Thickness option is enabled, some Truss and Pipe may not be represented perfectly, especially when the Truss/Pipe object may be rotated. As the previous point, this one is also related to WYSIWYG’s truss models. The Thickness option for truss enhances its representation in Wireframes and works best when truss is aligned to the main axes; when truss is rotated, depending on the rotation angle, it may look incorrect.
Workaround: Enabling Truss Fill may help with this. Alternatively, if displaying the truss correctly is more important than HOW it displays, disable Truss Thickness altogether.
- Visuals from I-Mag Cameras do not appear in Renderings.
Workaround: Export the Shaded View of the I-Mag Camera to an image file and apply this image as an Image Source to the Screen before starting the Rendering.
- Some NVIDIA graphics cards are unable to correctly simulate strobing at higher frequencies. This issue is not experienced on a AMD-based video card with the same file simulating the same strobing effect.
Workaround: Enable the Exclusive Full Screen Mode option (set in Application Options > Simulation) and activate Full Screen mode (press F11 in Shaded View).
- Some video cards do not support the Alpha Beam shadows feature and may experience a crash when switching to Shaded View. To support the Alpha Beam Shadows feature, the video card must support OpenGL version 4.3; if it does not, WYSIWYG will crash while using the Shaded View when this feature is enabled. When some AMD video cards that do not support this feature are detected, the Alpha Beam Shadows feature is automatically disabled. However, on rare occasions, a crash may still be experienced.
Workaround: After WYSIWYG crashes as such, start it again by double-clicking its desktop shortcut or via the Windows Start menu and disable the Deferred Rendering option in Application Options > Simulation tab.
- When a Spreadsheet (DATA mode) is filtered, switching back to it can take longer.
Workaround: remove the filter to prevent this.
- After assigning certain fonts (for example Neo Sans Pro) as default via Document Options > Fonts, a font error may appear when the file is reopened.
Workaround: use a different (similar-looking) font.