Step into ancient China with The Great Qin, an epic production in Xi’an that tells the story of Emperor Qin’s unification of the seven states. Spanning a 600 ft stage, this immersive experience used BlackTrax to track intricate flight choreography across two of its six breathtaking acts.
Blending cutting-edge technology with rich storytelling, BlackTrax helped transform this ambitious project into a seamless spectacle of light, movement, and history.
Discover how innovation meets tradition with BlackTrax!
The Great QinMagique Arts Company – Xi’an, China
Lighting Designer – Don Holder
Associate Lighting Designer -Jane Chan
Celia Chen (Substitute)
Neil Qiu (Substitute)
Assistant Lighting Designer -Sarah Woods
Design Team Swing -Zaid Dawsari
Production Electrician -Ron Schweir
Production Translators – Melody Lo & Diana Chiu
Eric Liew – Product Director – Rightway Audio Consultants (Racpro.Net)
Harrison Freni – Lighting programmer (IATSE ACT)
Langbin Zhou – BlackTrax Technical Consultant (Rightway Audio Consultants)