Installing Your Software
1. Click here to access the member’s only area of the CAST Software website.
2. Enter the dongle Serial Code (printed on the white label affixed to the dongle) into the Serial Code field, and:
a. If this is your first time accessing this area of the CAST Software website, leave the password field blank.
b. If you own one or more other dongles and this new dongle has already been registered to the same email address as the others, enter the password that you use to log in with those dongles.
3. Click 'Login'. Add or update your contact details if asked to do so and click 'Continue'.
4. Click the Download tab on the next page and then click the installer link to start the download; save the installer to your Desktop or another location.
5. Run the installer once the download completes, and follow its prompts to install.
6. Allow the computer to restart at the end of the installation, as requested by the installer.
7. Plug in the dongle into a USB port on your computer, and wait for it to be recognized and set up by Windows; when complete, Windows will display by a ‘device ready to use’ message.
8. Run the software.